What Exactly Is Caffeine?
A: Coffee contains a wide variety of bioactive compounds including caffeine, theine, and methyl theobromine. Among these, the one most frequently mentioned by the health-conscious lot is caffeine, which is also commonly found in tea leaves, chocolates, and cola drinks. Caffeine exhibits a mild pharmacological action in stimulating the central nervous system. Upon digestion and assimilation, it is transported via the blood stream to reach the brain, where it imparts an influence on the neural activities. As caffeine can excite the autonomic nerves, it prompts a surge of high spirit, enhances mental alertness, removes fatigue, expels sleepiness, and alleviates headache. Besides, caffeine is also remarkable in speeding up blood circulation to keep the body warm, apart from promoting diuresis (an increase of the flow of urine) and exciting the secretion of gastric juice. It can thus be seen that barring excessive consumption, caffeine is beneficial to the human body.
In what way does Trans fat affect body health?
A: Most producers of coffee formulations utilize a hydrogenation process that modifies the molecular structure of fats, so that the vegetable oil used could become more tolerant to high temperature and resistant to turning rancid. However, this process generates the production of Trans fat, which is harmful to the human health. Trans fat tends to build up in the body and cannot be broken down easily. Its long-term intake can bring about a high risk of various cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary arteriosclerosis, as it causes an elevation in the level of the bad cholesterols and a decline in the level of the good cholesterol.
Will the consumption of coffee cause osteoporosis?
A: There isn’t any evidence indicating a link between coffee and osteoporosis (a condition characterized by the loss of bone mass and increased bone porosity). Provided that we observe a balanced diet with special attention given to calcium intake, lead a healthy life, and reinforce our health-care regimen with Jia Hor Calcium Plus Tablets, we can effectively keep the problems of calcium deficiency or drainage at bay!